At the Farmer Market , Downtown Miami
Capturing what attracts my attention with a hint of nature & lighting......
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Left Behind...
Mas de 20 disidentes has sido autorizados a viajar fuera de Cuba a raíz de la nueva ley de emigración que tomo efecto el 14 de Enero de este mismo año. Muchos de ellos he tenido la suerte de fotografiarlos y ser parte de momentos históricos para todos los cubanos como fue la visita de Yoani Sanchez, Las Damas de Blanco y Eliecer Avila para citar solo algunos. Esta vez he querido traerles solo unas cuantas fotos de unos opositores también cubanos que no solamente luchan por la democracia en Cuba sino ellos también luchan por el hecho de ser discriminados en la isla y no tener las mismas oportunidades que otros cubanos. Me refiero a opositores como Manuel Cuesta Morua, Leonardo Calvo, Juan Antonio Madrazo, Ignacio Estrada, Wendy Iriepa entre otros que no solo tienen que lidiar dia a día con el régimen totalitario que los censura sino también tienen luchan al ser negros o homosexuales. En su visita por Miami, estos luchadores no solo denunciaron la falta de derechos humanos en la isla ; ellos confesaron sus propias historias algunas sórdidas y tristes de como son tratados y segregados por el mismo régimen.
En el caso de los opositores y miembros de la comunidad LGBT Ignacio y Wendy leyeron una carta enviada al parlamento del Partido Comunista en la cual ellos critican y abogan por mejores tratos a los homesexuales y como el mismo departamento de Salud Publica ayuda a aquellas personas que se quieren inocular el HIV para recibir mejor alimento y tal vez dormir bajo aire acondicionado. Ejemplo de esto es una familia de Villa Clara que todos se inocularon el HIV desde la abuela hasta los mas pequeños de la casa solo por el hecho de ir a vivir al sanatorio de los enfermos de sida bajo mejores condiciones y una dieta alimenticia de la cual no reciben ni la cuarta aparte el resto de la población. En el coloquio con los disidentes negros que vinieron de la Isla (Leonardo, Manuel y Juan Antonio) y como invitado Enrique Patterson quien vive en Miami hace ya unos cuantos años, ellos plantearon la necesidad de crear conciencia en la población de la isla de que todos somos iguales, que el mismo gobierno se ha encargado de alienar a los morenos para cargos dirigentes y en el caso de que alguno haya llegado a director de algún organismo estatal ha sido a que se ha subyugado en su totalidad a ese régimen totalitario. Ambos grupos- negros y homosexuales- enfrentan una doble lucha contra el régimen pues aunque el sistema ha vendido al exterior que en Cuba no hay racismo y que en la ultima década se ha ido erradicando la discriminación hacia los homosexuales, travestis y transgeneros como Wendy, la verdad es que ellos han venido a confirmar aquí en Miami de que todo es una mentira y una politiquería barata para hacernos creer que en Cuba todo es armonía lo cual no es cierto.

Thursday, October 3, 2013
Lines all over...
Dancing one more time becomes the main subject in my photos. This time I focused my lens on the body lines of the dancers as well as the gestures. Every time I shoot dancers become a challenge due to all rhythms don't have the same cadency. But since I love music is always a great combination of shooting and enjoying the beat and the movements of the dancers. The funny thing is that when I finish the shooting and start editing my photos is when I realize how I focused on the lines this time. There were not a predominant color this time as the last series Red Movement ; this time the colors came to a second role even though the white was present in almost all presentations. Some of the choreographs showed dramatic faces and gestures but others came full of spicy flavor.

Monday, July 29, 2013
Cuestion de FE !
Architecture is a subject matter that has always attracted my attention since I was student, even though in Miami is kind of difficult to find different kind of genres into the architecture. This city is young so you may find Art Deco and even more modern structures, except a few churches around the city that become icons cause of their oldness and architecture per say. I have been since I started my studies in photography observing churches that has a different architecture, I mean Gothic from the Byzantine for example. I had the chance to chose a free topic at college and I chose churches. It was a mission but I got a few ones where the different type of architecture was obvious. I kept those at that time cause it was my first time creating an story line where the subject matter was the architecture in churches. After a few years I went to St. Augustine for vacations but I always get my equipment in case I find something interesting to shoot. When I get there I realize that even though the town was small it has churches everywhere and from different tendencies so I decided to shoot again churches since I love them. This time I tried to combine the exterior with some inside shoots cause of the lighting contrast.
Monday, July 8, 2013
A day at the river with a smartphone
I went last Saturday to the river that goes under the train line in the middle of the city and It really attracted my attention how well known is the area due to all the things left by humans and I found on my way there. I have to walk like a block next to the abandoned train line to get to the river. The area was isolated and I got a little scared at the first side but once my eyes started to look around all the things I can photograph , I left behind that fear. I did not carry my camera but I realized , I had my smartphone with me so I decided to capture the photos with it as a new experience to my professional career. In that case, I did not have to set up the shutter speed or aperture cause these IPhones do everything, just shoot and point; so I did it. I got around 25 photos. I was so excited cause the trip was not in vain. Yesterday , I edited all the photos and that is when I realize the insufficient quality of the photos, the noise and the blurriness but as well I realize that why not upload them in my blog. It is a new and different experience and at the end I want to shoot and create a series and I got it; quick and simple with a smartphone.
On the photos I emphasize the graffiti, the rust of the metal rails, the water, the fauna interacting with the trash left by humans. I realized since it is not my intention to show the "beauty of landscaping"(literally speaking) the blur and noisy view don't bother me at all. It is just to show the interaction of the humans behaviors with nature and how we alter even the structures with colorful gratifies and throwing garbage on the river. One more time , I invite you to enjoy my adventurous day at the river!!!!
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